To be a Dynast is to live a first-world lifestyle in a third-world country. Their privilege is immense; they enjoy wealth, comfort, freedom from want, opportunity to pursue their interests, and the competence to do so well. They exist in a society that venerates them as bodhissatva, reincarnated wise-men who are inherently holy and sacred. They are nobility - the upper class in a land where there is no real middle class.
In the Realm, the Exalted need never face mortals who have not lived their entire lives in deference to them, their power, and their social privilege. In Greyfalls, impudence, insolence, and insubordination from mortals to the Exalted is a depressingly common reminder of how ill-educated the surrounding Threshold terrain is on the structure of the Perfected Hierarchy, and their position and role in it. Additionally, Greyfalls lacks the history of Dynasts employed in matters of public infrastructure and welfare, and thus tends towards starkly lower standards of architecture than the Realm. Thus far, only the Nellens Canal serves as a refreshing symbol of Dynastic logistical might.
The opportunities and privileges of the dynasts do not come without tax. Though their position in Greyfalls is, bluntly put, that of foreign oppressors exploiting native populace and resources for the wealth of the Empire and their Houses, akin to that of the great European colonial empires in Africa during the 17th through 19th centuries, they do provide some very real protection in their racket. They have noblesse oblige - a noble obligation to protect their charges and rule them appropriately. How seriously they take this obligation varies, but this obligation, and the judgement of their peers and elders, weighs firm on every Dynast. Though the Greyfalls peasantry might suffer the wanton excesses of the Dynasts, they know that their overlords will bear jade weapons to kill the very real monsters of the eastern darkness should they menace. After all, the Dynasts have worked very, very hard to convince them of this, and they've had generations of control over the public schools.
The Dynasts in Greyfalls are not a monolithic bloc. Listed here are some significant conflicts that may become more pressing.
In the increasing political unrest of the Blessed Isle, where assassins sprout like crabgrass and the spiritual climate wavers between jaded and zealous, many Dynasts seek some distant Threshold satrapy where they can secure themselves to stay out of the way until it all blows over and the approaching Civil War is done. Contrarily, other, more optimistic Dynasts with a more dynamic approach look at Greyfalls and see a potential meal ticket, if only they can get over there and build it up in to a strong part of the Empire. As rich coffers lure assassins like honey lures flies, the refugee dynasts may have objections to this.
Greyfalls is in a strong position - one of the premier military powers in the region. Lookshy could crush it, but only by devoting enough of it's forces to leave it uncomfortably vulnerable to attack by the Mask of Winters or the Realm, and this gives it a certain, limited leave to attempt to expand its wealth through the direct means of piracy, warlording, and demands of tribute. Some, however, see no reason to spend bread, coin, and soldiers to seize more threshold land when they already have so land they could build up at much less risk.
Greyfalls is a satrapy, but remains influenced by traditional religious practices in several ways that are heretical according to the Immaculate Faith. Specifically, these are iconographic worship, direct mortal prayer to deities (often in terms of oaths such as "By So-And-So's body part") and non-sanctioned holy-days. Dynasts are constantly squabbling as to what should be done about this, or as to if it is even a problem at all - or even if it should be encouraged, to add local character. On occasion, they have fought to the death over this.
Everyone knows it, but no one wants to talk about it in public: sooner or later, if the Empress does not return, the 'discussion' over the next to sit upon the throne will come to shouts, then blows, then armies churning the fertile ground of the Blessed Isle to mud with their gore and marching boots. Some wish to remain politely ensconced in Greyfalls until the entire affair is resolved. Others wish to bend the resources of Greyfalls to the candidate of their House's choice. Every quietly fears the prospect of the war bubbling up here as well.
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