


In a Nutshell


A great city-state in turmoil, this once-vibrant city has been hit by two major calamaties in the year 771r, and is currently adjusting to bridge its previous role as foremost economic power in the East and its current role as a refugee camp and disaster zone.










ICA-ICC and conflict is encouraged in Nexus, but staff should be present to witness any scene that escalates to possible death for either side.





Enhancing commerce, •••

Individual freedoms, •

Oligarchy, ••







The six tombs of nexus have their own dedicated level-5 Manse working to keep their defenses running, and there are numerous lesser Manses in the area.  The Six Tombs of Nexus are:






The Curse of Nexus



Nexus is crippled.  Thousands leave in hurried, frightened droves as blackish clouds and an everpresent mist seeps through the city.  A being of tremendous force drove himself to the heart of the city and there laid the Curse of Unyielding Mist, a devastating and permanent damnation of the city that only may be revoked if its terrible conditions are met.  Rumors and fearmongering sprout up around nearby nations, as some power has again unlocked the magic of the Curse, and now no nation is safe.  The curse was laid in the Season of Fire, RY 771, and after following the devastation of the Guild Bank, has left the city reeling.  (Log Pending)


Shortly therafter, the counciler Squirming Sausage Tamer moved to protect residences of those who wished to remain within the mist. Furthermore, an ally of the Council of Entities known as 'Amat the Blessed Desert' has created a nigh-infinite source of food somewhere within the mist. This spawning pit teems with a seemingly infinite supply of nutricious locusts which are amongst some of the tastiest delicacies now available in the city. 'Bugfood' (as the commoners are beginning to know it) is cheap and plentiful, and it is known that consuming this food exlusively for several weeks eventually provides a being with the ability to see within the mist and endure it without difficulty (amongst other fantastical benefits). Accordingly, Bugfood is very popular with those who seek to either reclaim the mist or do business within it. Sausage Tamer seems motivated by a desire to distribute Bugfood without consideration of profit or depleting supply. Most who consume Bugfood have become members of the cult of Amat.


(The particular oath required of the Emissary is not widely known.  For those who do discover it and try to find a loophole, it has 17 successes / Linguistics 4 behind it that say 'No readily available loopholes exist')


Many believe that recovery is possible, and the River Treaty came into effect, forcing Great Forks and Lookshy to extend aid.  Orduin was seen constructing a refugee camp earlier this month to the East of Nexus proper. 


Collapse of the Guild Bank


In the wake of the RY 770 Water collapse of the Guild Bank, surreptitiously engineered by Shadowed Fortune, the social structure of Nexus has been irrevocably shaken. The police of Nexus have always been mercenary companies hired by the wealthy upper class of Nexus to patrol the streets and maintain order. With the collapse of the Guild Bank, many of the wealthy upper class of Nexus lost their supply of funds and were unable to pay the mercenaries, or were forced to pay them with silver cash during a month-long period when the market value of silver cash was dropping like a stone.


As a result, there were problems.


Sun Worship has recently become the major religion amongst the poor and many people have banded together to improve thier lots in Sol's name.


Locations in Nexus


Locations near Nexus