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Greyfalls: Cathak Palace

Page history last edited by Mycol 16 years, 2 months ago

Alder Plaza District

The green-shaded parks and graceful buildings that dominate this quarter of the city are an exception to the Greyfalls affection for tall stone buildings. Wooden pagodas and small sun-dappled retreats are interlaced amid the luxuriant abundance of trees here. The buildings are wrought with a grace and carefulness fit to their obvious worth, as only the wealthiest could afford to build so lightly on precious land within the city walls. The pedestrians visible in the clean-swept streets are almost all of obviously patrician caste, fine clothes and bright adornments visible as they relax amid the serenity of this place.

Alder Park itself is on the south side of the district, a zigguraut of stepped stone covered with elaborate planters. Flowers and trees from all over the East cluster on its steps, a hanging garden of beauty and refinement for the pleasure of the better class of the city. Now and then a dull-clad commoner can be seen amid the profusion of blossoms, but most are turned away by watchful guards around the steps.


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